Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare Review!

Hi friends! I’m so excited because SHADOWHUNTERS. I’ve spent the entire year catching up with these books to reach The Dark Artifices, and I think we can all agree that it’s worth it*. So here are my thoughts! And don’t … Continue reading Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare Review!

Most Anticipated December 2018 Release!| Yes It’s Singular…

Hi friends! This is my last anticipated releases post of the year and I am confusion. How is it almost 2019???????  you know what that means folks. End of the year posts!! But I’d also like to say that posting will probably slow down as I’d really rather spend time with friends and family, and posting six times a week is definitely taking it’s toll. But enough of that! Let’s get to what you clicked here for and that is pictures of cookie dough! Or maybe not. Because I only have one anticipated release I made it extra big. As … Continue reading Most Anticipated December 2018 Release!| Yes It’s Singular…

Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy (Mini)Review!

Hi friends! I’m back with another review, and it’s another Shadowhunters review. Yes, I know, I’m obsessed. I’m so happy to have buddy read this with one of the sweetest bloggers out there, Melanie! I just want to go over my rating for each story, because there’s so many. My main, overarching critique is this: the writing was a bit disappointing. Of course, there’s others who wrote these but I just couldn’t find that spark. Okay first of all, why does Simon look drunk on this cover? They really couldn’t have given him anything better? Welcome To Shadowhunter Academy | 3.5/5 stars. This was … Continue reading Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy (Mini)Review!

August Wrap Up

Hi friends! So I had an EXTREMELY disappointing August month, not in terms of quality but in books read. I did have a vacation though, and school has started back up (we pause our regularly scheduled programming for a quick interlude: WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY) so that’s probably why. The Similars was rather disappointing. I found several plot points to be predictable, and the romance completely unsatisfying. BUT I was rather entertained so three stars! City of Lost Souls is tied with City of Glass as my favorite TMI book so far. There’s so much complexity, and character dynamics, and plot progression, AND … Continue reading August Wrap Up

Clockwork Princess | I’ve Never Cried So Flippin Hard Before

  A Million Tears and Clockwork Angels (five stars) This may be the most incoherent thing I’ve ever written despite it being, you know, AN ENTIRE WEEK since I finished this thing? Please accept my most heartfelt apology if I end up chanting in Turtle. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Those last 100 pages were sorrow and heartbreak and that epilogue, man. A whole new definition of bittersweet.  I’m so serious. I went through like half a box of tissues because I was actually sobbing. And that’s how my house flooded and I became homeless and now live in a library in the middle of Hermit Woods. … Continue reading Clockwork Princess | I’ve Never Cried So Flippin Hard Before

City of Lost Souls Review | I Actually Loved It?

Hi friends! I’m here with another Shadowhunter review (I know, how many are there?) but in my defense…actually I have no defense. *cue me running from the courtroom with a thousand and one procrastination police officers chasing me* Anyway, we are here today to discuss the story that is CITY OF LOST SOULS. And as a heads up, there will be spoilers for the first four books in this series so you have been warned! 5/5 Angel Swords Two Sentence Synopsis Jace and Sebastian are now officially tied together, and the Scooby-Shadowhunter gang has to find a way to save Jace and kill … Continue reading City of Lost Souls Review | I Actually Loved It?

Clockwork Prince | Favorite Book Ever?

Hi friends! I’m back with another review of the beautiful, wonderful, heartbreaking, THERE AREN’T ENOUGH ADJECTIVES book. Anyway, this is a spoiler-free review for the second book in a series, so if you haven’t read Clockwork Angel yet, GO MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER. And then come back! Note: This is a scheduled post, as I will be gone from Monday to Friday. Please comment, and I will reply as soon as I am a able to! As well as blog-hop! Synopsis  In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves … Continue reading Clockwork Prince | Favorite Book Ever?