Liebster Award!

Hi friends! I’m going to be doing an award today, and hopefully you’ll learn something you didn’t know about me. Thank you so much Meaghan @ WordsGremlin for tagging me! Her blog is awesome guys, make sure you check it out!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, provide a link to their blog and display the award.
  • Answer 11 questions they asked you.
  • Come up with your own 11 questions
  • Tag 11 bloggers and don’t forget to tell them.


What’s your least favorite book of all time?

Ooh, that’s tough. I think I’ll have to go with either Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne or The Door In The Wall. Of course both just happen to be school books. Excellent job school.

If you could paint your room right now, this very moment, what color(s) would you choose?

TEAL WITH GREY ACCENTS!! Or that purple-blue color who’s name I can’t remember…

Have you ever had a pen pal?

I have! We communicated for over a year but then it slowly declined into nothing. *goes to rummage through all the letters to find said pen pal’s address from years ago*

What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

Alexander Hamilton! Which is actually quite nice because lately I’ve been terribly obsessed with Lauv XD.

If you had to go on an epic quest of some sort, who would be the first character you would ask to go with you?

HERMIONE GRANGER!!! Leave saving the world to men?

giphy (7)

Is there a book you would like to see as a video game? Or video game you’d love to see as a book?

Oh! Um…assuming they do it right, I’d love to see the Grishaverse transformed into a video game! Thieving but with magic (yes I can hear your cries of “Skyrim” LET ME HAVE THIS)

What’s the first book you can ever remember reading?

By myself? It would probably have to be Little House In The Big Woods.

Is your handwriting messy or neat?

Uh…it depends on if I’m writing slow or fast. Slow? Hm, not bad. Fast? A two-year old running from the pumpkin man .

You’ve been granted three wishes! What’s the first thing that comes to mind to wish for? Not what you would wish for, but the very first thing you think of.

To get this song out of my head (I’M SORRY BUT IT”S ANNOYING NOW)

What’s a book that you think is super underrated and needs more love?

Lockwood and Co by Jonathan Stroud! It’s a sorta middle-grade ghost story that’s snarky and beautiful and just slightly creepy. GO READ IT.

What’s the coolest mug that you own?

It’s a Sherlock mug, you know, the kind that transforms when hot liquid gets poured into it? Usually it just says I AM LOCKED but if I put something hot in there, it changes to Sherlock’s wallpaper and says I AM SHERLOCKED.


My Questions:

  1. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
  2. What the prettiest book you own?
  3. Do you watch booktube? If so, who’s your favorite booktuber?
  4. What’s your current favorite song?
  5. Pick the main characters from the last three books you read. Now do Kiss, Marry, Kill!
  6. Have you ever been to BookCon or ComicCon?
  7. If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  8. What’s your favorite piece of bookish merch that you own?
  9. What’s the your least favorite cover change?
  10. Would you rather only read books with no romance for the rest of your life or only read books with insta-love for the rest of your life?
  11. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, which one would you choose?


I Tag:

Mara @ AcrossTheBooksMelanie @ meltotheanyJustine May @ BookishWispsHaley @ FangirlFuryRendz @ ReadingwithRendz | Louise @ FoxesAndFairyTales Tiana @ TheBookRaven | Destiny @ HowlingLibraries | Ruq @ ManyThingsBookish | Ivy @ Ivy’sWellUsedLibraryCard | Kay @ HammockofBooks

Thanks for reading!!

22 thoughts on “Liebster Award!

  1. “A two-year old running from the pumpkin man .”
    I snorted Pepsi out my nose! 😂
    Seriously though, great answers. I’ve had the Hamilton soundtrack in my head for about 2 years. It cannot be defeated!
    Thanks for the tag!! The Kiss, Marry, Kill one will be super fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “A two year old running from the pumpkin man” is honestly the funniest thing I’ve read in a while. 😂 And OMG LOCKWOOD AND CO! The best answer here tbh. That series needs more love.

    I’m so glad you decided to answer the questions!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my gosh, I love your answers and your questions! Thank you SO much for the tag! I’m so excited! Also, you made me giggle like three times, so thank you! Hahaha! Happy reading, love! 💖xx

    Liked by 1 person

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