Tag Tuesday: Top 10 Books I’ve Added To My TBR and Forgotten Why! // ft. my memory loss :)

Hi friends! If you’ve been around a while, you know that I quite literally have the memory of a goldfish. Or Dory. Anyways, today we’re putting my infamous memory to the test with today’s Top 10 Tuesday topic! I wanted to join in today haha.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

what do i THINK this is about???

A court of five people 🙂 no really, a court of five people who are magicians and there’s a magic competition!! If there’s a magic competition, it would make sense that I added it to my TBR.

what is it ACTUALLY about?

A girl who’s training for the Fives, a rigorous atheletic competition, and has to save her family. Um…the competition part sounds cool I guess?

This cover is absolutely gorgeous! And I have no idea what it’s about! Like…uh…maybe it’s about cities?

one moment.

So it’s actually about alternate realities???? And a girl hunting her parents’s killer through them??? HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN THIS. How does anyone forget a synopsis like that…?


A dangerous man Peter only knows as “The Evil Treasure Hunter” is after his family, so they’ve relocated to New York City. With help from unlikely friends living at the glamorous hotel, including the ghost on the tenth floor, life begins again. However, Peter soon learns of a plot to destroy his new home, a plot only the Phantom can foil.

I’m bad at guessing.

This cover is PURPLE. And I know Mirage is inspired by Moroccan culture, so that makes me excited! I have no idea about anything else…well after reading the official synopsis, I know now that this is sci-fi?? About a girl who body doubles as a princess. Yes and yes. Good job past me for putting this on your TBR.

I think this is about a girl who’s only hope is her greatest enemy. That’s definitely why I added this to my TBR.

The people of Mide have thankfully always been safe because of Ciara’s unearthly ability to control her enemies’ minds and actions. But lately, a mysterious crow has been appearing to Ciara, whispering warnings of an even darker threat. Although her clansmen dismiss her visions as pagan nonsense, Ciara fears this coming evil will destroy not just Éirinn, but the entire world.

Then the crow leads Ciara to Leif, a young Northman leader. Leif should be Ciara’s enemy, but when Ciara discovers that he, too, shares her prophetic visions, she knows he’s something more. Leif is mounting an impressive army, and with Ciara’s strength in battle the two might have a chance to save their worl


I don’t really know why this on my TBR. I mean, besides the cover of course. And I think I remember seeing some good reviews. *after reading* Oh! So this actually draws inspiration from many fairy-tales and myths, and takes place on the high seas.

I literally have no idea why this is on my TBR. Zero clue. After reading the synopsis, I still have no clue. RIP to my one brain cell. But it’ll stay on my TBR because a lot of my Goodreads friends enjoyed it!

I remember almost nothing except CIRCUS. After a refrsher, my main thought is still CIRCUS but with a dash of mystery.

GORGEOUS COVER ALERT. I have no idea why I would have added this though.

On my fourteenth birthday when the sakura was in full bloom, the men came to kill us. We saw them come, Aimi and me. We were excited, because we did not know how to be frightened. We had never seen soldiers before.


I apparently add things to my TBR for the most random of reasons! But I think that this is a retelling of Swan Lake? That’s enough of a random reason for it to stay on my TBR.

That’s it! Tell me:

Are there any books on your TBR that you’ve forgotten why you’ve added?

Have you read any of these?

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20 thoughts on “Tag Tuesday: Top 10 Books I’ve Added To My TBR and Forgotten Why! // ft. my memory loss :)

  1. Oh I bought a copy of A Thousand Pieces of You the other day (because I shamelessly thought the cover was pretty) and then tried to add it to my GR TBR only to realise it was already on there. It seems we’ve both forgotten about this one! Hope you enjoy these Kaya!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha ha! I love your experience with The Thirteenth Tale … My running theory is that GoodReads adds books randomly just because it can.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I dread to think how many ‘why did I add that’ books are on my TBR 🙈 I’m pretty sure eight of these are on it (and I’m totally going to look up Miraculum because of its title and your mention of circus) so basically mines insanely long 😂 I know that I added Thirteenth Tale because I’d seen some fantastic recommendations for one of the authors other books and liked the sound of that one too. And I seriously need to read Throne Of Swans, I hate that I haven’t yet as I have a review copy but where I keep falling into a slump I don’t want it to negatively affect my review.
    Also I don’t think you’re a bad guesser, with the title and cover I’d have said Phantom Of The Opera too.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Once Upon A River ☺️ although I think I somehow already had a third book of hers (Bellman & Black) on there from elsewhere, maybe a Waterstones email? Idk for sure with that one 😂
        Thank you ❤️
        Definitely not 😂

        Liked by 1 person

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