TBR Lows and Highs #3

Hi friends! I’ve decided to go with another TBR Lows and Highs meme today! It’s hosted by the amazing Destiny!

Oh yes and consider this my disclaimer/apology because I’m going to be removing some popular books and being rebellious AGAIN. When will i ever stop*???

*the correct answer, friends, is never


  • Link back to the original post at Howling Libraries
  • Sort your Goodreads TBR shelf by date added, ascending
  • Find 5-10 (or more, if you feel ambitious!) titles to purge from your TBR (the “lows”)
  • Post those 5 books in the list, with a brief explanation of why you removed it
  • Next, sort your Goodreads TBR shelf by date added, descending
  • List the last 5 (or more!) books you added to your TBR, with a synopsis or your brief summary of why you added it (the “highs”)

The Lows

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard | I know y’all are probably all like “WHAAAAT BUT BUT BUT WITCHLANDS FANDOM” and I DO still want to read this one day but it’s honestly not going to happen for at least a couple of years. I’m being realistic for once instead of chasing a butterfly into outer space and dreaming of joining the Criminal Minds team on a case*.

*the first one is what I often think about and the second was just a really good dream

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton| Part of me actually wants to read this one MORE than the Witchlands  but once upon a time I saw a desert, jinn-themed book, and thought “oh goodie”. It was not “oh goodie”. Suffice to say it has ruined me for all desert books for the rest of my life. BUT maybe one day I’ll overcome this problem of mine.

Shatter Me by Tahreheh Mafi |I never even wanted to read this one I just stuck it on Goodreads because hype can make people do crazy things. I’m so over dystopian and to be honest, nothing really appeals to me about the premise or the characters so byeeee.

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins|Well, I feel like the fact that it is now 2018 combined with me constantly screaming “I’M NOT A CONTEMPORARY GIRL” doesn’t bode well for this book. I’ve heard it’s cute, sure, but I’ve also heard it’s problematic. I’m not really up for that. Also the OG cover is so ugly??? I love this new(er) one but my gosh the old ones make me shudder.

I’d Rather Be Reading|Apparently pre-school summer me thought it would be fun to read a book of essays about books. Thanks but school has provided me with enough essays for the rest of my life.

The Highs


In The House In The Dark of The Woods by Laird Hunt |Okay so…I think this is horror historical fiction. This has a long title. And that’s about all I know.

The Romanov Empress by C.W. Gortner| Because I’m a sucker for the story of Anastasia, and because the (amazing!) Ruqs @ many things bookish had this one on her TBR and I was like “OOH”.

Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer |This is giving me serious Beauty and the Beast vibes but with a twist. Like, werewolves with secrets and libraries-turned-mirrors and boys trapped inside of said mirrors sounds like my jam. It’s also got a 5.0 rating on Goodreads which is seriously impressive?!

Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan |I’d sorta seen this book around but when Chloe @ the Elven Warrior* (she’s also amazing!) kept talking about it, that’s what peaked my interest. And then I saw the cover and it’s gorgeous and I MUST HAVE THIS.

*if you’re ever wondering where I get most of my recs, yes it’s from other bloggers

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman |Her latest book just came out but I think I’d like to read her debut first! Even though I have no clue what it’s about! All I know is pretty cover!

This was so much fun! To be honest, I’m lowkey-dying to read Wicked Saints andEcho North RIGHT NOW. Tell me: what books should I prioritize? Should I take others off my TBR? And what is your favorite cover? Catch ya later, au revoir!



10 thoughts on “TBR Lows and Highs #3

  1. Aw thank you Kaya, you’re awesome! As always your TBR posts are amazing combined with devastating because a) I have more AMAZING books to read but b) my TBR pile just gets bigger and bigger and… oh well, there’s no helping that. And Stepsister looks sooo good?!! How have I not heard of this before?! I’m sooo excited!!

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    1. You’re welcome, haha. YOU’RE THE AWESOME ONE!!😄 Thank you! Lol I know, that’s the problem with these posts😂😂 IKR! It sounds amazing!! LOL it wasn’t supposed to be in this week’s post though…WP has really not been liking me lately in the image department😂😂

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