Tag Tuesday: Top 5 Book Titles!

Hi friends! THE FIRST DECEMBER TAG TUESDAY. Shanah always comes up with such unique topics, and I’m so excited for the ones she’s planned for this month! But let’s do this because EXCITEMENT.

There’s something about this title that catches my eye and makes me go “MUST ADOPT CURSED CHILD*” even though there is no cursed child??? I think??? Anyway it’s magical and mysterious.

*harry potter and the cursed child does not have the same vibe as this title

This reminds me of those random things in Kingdom Hearts. But also, Alice in Wonderland retellings deserve good titles and this is my favorite.

This and STRANGE THE DREAMER. GORGEOUS PERFECTION. Like, you don’t understand the titles properly until you read the books and then you’re just dead from the beauty.

Chain of Gold, Chain of Iron, and Chain of Thorns

There aren’t any covers for these because they’re supposed to come out over the next three years. BUT THEY’RE SO AMAZING. Like, I’m really wondering how the content will play into the titles because it’s Cassandra Clare. It’s gonna happen.

This entire series has the best titles ever. Like, it so perfectly captures my attention? The first one is Stalking Jack the Ripper, then Hunting Prince Dracula, Escaping From Houdini, and finally Capturing the Devil which is coming out some time next year so yay long waits! The titles reflect the insides so well and I’m just so satisfied with these.

So that’s it! What’s a title you like??? 

26 thoughts on “Tag Tuesday: Top 5 Book Titles!

  1. Ooh! These all sound like great books! What’s Heartless like? I’ve heard & like the look of it, but am not sure whether to actually buy it or not – what do you advise!? Thanks so much & really great post ❤️, Autumn x

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      1. No, I haven’t (hence why I’ve been a bit ‘weary’ about getting this book 😂!). Do you think any of her other books are worth reading first? Thanks! (You are so helpful- thank youuuu so much! 💞) Autumn x

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