Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2022!!! // it’s the most wonderful tag of the year!

I stand by that headline. The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag is my favorite tag to do, and one of my favorites to read. So of course, I had to do it for this year! There’s a lot of questions, so let’s just jump right in shall we?

Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2022?

All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir still strikes me speechless all these months later. It is a story that I think fully captures the depth and raging emotions of the human soul, and that’s something that cannot be easily surpassed. Its premise is deceivingly simple: a story of two best friends struggling to escape and survive their small desert town. The reality is a much more complex truth, a beautifully written story that evokes feelings beyond what you might expect. This is going to be a hard one to beat for the title of favorite of the year come December.

Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2022?

I’m sorry but Vol. 2 of Dawn of the Arcana fully cemented this story as being one that I want to continue. The ANGST??? AKA the fact that we might have a possible love triangle/enemies-to-lovers romance is absolutely destroying me. That’s all.

New Release(s) You Haven’t Read Yet But Want To?

I know, I need help.

Most Anticipated Release(s) For The Second Half of the Year?

Believe it or not, this is as close to 1 book as I could possibly get. No joke.

Biggest Disappointment?

*shuffles awkwardly*. I was so excited about this book! Unfortunately, it just…fell a bit flat for me. The plot moved at such a glacial pace, not to mention that it was pretty much the most predictable plotline ever. However, I really appreciated getting to read from the viewpoint of the main character with POTS. I can see a lot of potential for this author!

Biggest Surprise?

The way Flirting With Fate came out of left field* and stole my heart…I wasn’t expecting it at ALL. It’s just funny and romantic, with a supernatural twist that really elevated the fun. I laughed, I cried, I swooned…what more could I want from a surprise favorite?

Favorite New Author (New To You or Debut)?

This Vicious Grace has basically crowned Emily Thiede as my #1 debut author of the year. I was wondering if I just wasn’t feeling YA fantasies anymore when I read this debut, and it absolutely blew me away. It’s funny (like much funnier than I was expecting) and romantic in a way that isn’t full of cringe and boredom at all. I can’t wait for the sequel and anything else the author puts out!

Newest Fictional Crush/Ship?

Since I don’t have a new fictional crush (I know, who am I?) I changed the question to new favorite ship. And obviously, that award goes to Nico and Libby in The Atlas Six. Sure, they’re not canon (yet) but who said they had to be? Anyways, if they don’t get together in the sequel, I’ll roll a Ferris Wheel into a pier. Somehow.

Newest Favorite Fictional Character?

*See above*.

A Book That Made You Cry?

There’s a certain scene near the end of the book that absolutely broke me. The characters had me sobbing with what was happening. And that’s all I can without spoilers!

A Book That Made You Happy?

This book is just the perfect happy summertime read! I couldn’t put it down, and I was grinning the whole time. The comedy and the romance and the adorable friendships are just AH.

Favorite Book-To-Movie Adaptation You’ve Seen This Year?

Okay so technically…I haven’t read this manga. BUT I HAVE SEEN MOST OF THE ANIME AND IT’S SO GOOD. It’s beyond wholesome. It’s so funny too. In case you need any convincing on watching it, just know that it’s about a spy who’s forced to adopt a child and get married for a mission. Only, the child he adopts is secretly a telepath and his wife is an assassin. It sounds ridiculous but believe me it’s worth the watch.

Favorite Post You’ve Written This Year?

My review of The Atlas Six is just so funny to me because I really don’t like Parisa. I reread it every so often and have to restrain myself from adding another paragraph or two because I really don’t like Parisa.

Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought Or Received This Year?

One is a physical hardcover and the other is an e-galley but they’re both so beautiful!

What Books Do You Need To Read By The End Of The Year?

Too many to count. And since I’m notoriously bad at finishing books I say I’m going to read, maybe I’ll actually get around to doing it if I never say it*!

*this is a really roundabout way of saying “I’m a failure and can never read all the books i name”

Favorite Book Community Member?

I have too many favorite book community members to even begin to list! A few bloggers whom I love and adore are Anoushka, Rachel, Riddhi, Joanna, Dinipandareads, and so many others!

So that’s it! I tag all of you who might want to do this!

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32 thoughts on “Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2022!!! // it’s the most wonderful tag of the year!

  1. KAYA IM HONOURED asfgafhjd tysm for the mention!
    also yass spy family!! im loving that show (tho i haven’t read the book either)
    yess your review of ta6 was chef’s kiss there’s no doubt about it hah

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ALL MY RAGE!! i SOBBED a bit too much reading that wont lie, it was absolutely PHENOMENAL !!! my favourites Sabaa Tahir book for sure 😭💯
    and I NEED the red palace and the girl who fell beneath the sea as well, they both seem so good😭 I can’t believe I still haven’t read them yet aksjsjsk!!
    Ahhh a magic steeped in poison has a STUNNING cover, I am actually IN LOVE! i read it recently, and it’s a pretty fun fantasy though I found it a teensy but underwhelming !! Hope you adore it!!💗💗
    Loved this so much!💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YESSSSS AGHHHH IT’S SO HEARTBREAKING (and yet SO GOOD). i’m so happy to hear that you read and enjoyed it as well!! and omg sameee, so many books, so little time😭
      a magic steeped in poison is GORGEOUS. oh really??? i actually read it a month ago and also found it a bit disappointing! what disappointed you about it?
      hope you’re having happy reading💜

      Liked by 1 person

      1. i really loved the entire concept of it, but I wish we could’ve gotten to see more of the actual competition plus maybe gotten more info on the magic system!!! wbu??? ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Some books can be so beautiful! ❤ I've actually wrote a few books from your post to put onto my want to read list. And the first book that you mentioned, All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir. If I remember correctly, Sabaa Tahir also wrote the An Ember of the Ashes series? Another book series that I need to read and *finish* this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. i really want to read daughter of the moon goddess as well (i’m pretty sure hundreds of people have said this before, but how is that cover so beautiful??)
    The red palace is such a good book, i hope you enjoy reading it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. i loved reading your answers!! as someone who just recently read a good girl’s guide to murder and was blown away, i’m glad to hear you enjoyed the sequel—but maybe i should prepare myself? 😬

    oh no i’m so sorry to hear one for all was a disappointment! i’m still planning to pick it up (eventually) but i’ll have to keep your words in mind!

    i am also struggling to catch up on all the new releases 😭 there are just so many books coming out and they all sound so good 😭

    hope the rest of 2022 brings you more and more amazing books kaya!! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you!! omg the first book is SO GOOD. the sequels are also really good but yeah, they definitely get darker (specifically the third one) so just be prepared for that!

      ahh, i’m sure you’ll adore one for all! i think i went in with TOO high expectations haha. i hope you love it when you read it!!

      oh my gosh the amount of new releases is INSANE. my tbr won’t stop growing😭

      thank you so much!! i hope you’re having a wonderful 2022 so far💜

      Liked by 1 person

  6. KAYA!! tysmmm for the mention I AM HONOURED AND EXCUSE ME WHILE I SOBBB 😭🥺❤❤

    also YESS spyxfamily sounds ridiculous, BUT LIKE THE GOOD KIND?? excuse me while i go devour it actually, BECAUSE ummmm, A SPY WHO ADOPTS A TELEPATH CHILD AND MARRIES AN ASSASSIN for a mission??? I NEED THIS BYE


    Liked by 1 person

  7. HI KAYA !! I loved reading your tag responses so much! Really happy to hear about All My Rage, Sabaa Tahir wrecked me with An Ember in the Ashes, and her new novel sounds absolutely beautiful!! And yeah, the only thing keeping. me going during the wait for TAP is NicoLibby <33 Wishing you many more incredible reads during this second half of the year! 💓😚

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Aww, thank you so much for mentioning me, Kaya! Your posts are always so engaging and awesome and I’m so glad that I discovered your blog this year 😍 I’m so excited to read so many of the books you’ve mentioned—Vicious Grace is at the top of that list. As Good As Dead also made me weepy (what an intense finale) and I *love* SpyxFamily so much too! Such a great adaptation. Also, I totes agree that this is one of the best tags out there. I always love filling it up each year 😂 I hope you continue to read amazing books this year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! I love your posts so much!💜 Ahh, I hope you adore This Vicious Grace. As Good As Dead was INSANE and spy x family is so sweet. I agree!! It truly is the best tag of the year. Thank you, I hope you have a lovely July!


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