Tag Tuesday |Top 5 Cozy Fall Reads!

Hi friends! I’m so excited to be participating in another Top 5 Tuesday hosted by the fantastic blogger Shanah @ Bionic Bookworm, so go check her blog out!! Today’s topic is one that I’m so excited to do: cozy fall reads! My blog is slowly becoming fall-themed and I’m not complaining.


Okay so maybe I’m not done with this one yet. BUT it’s such a fall book! I mean (a) there’s a boarding school and (b) murder mysteries are perfect for fall don’t ask me why.



Really, the White Way of Delight? How could you not want to read such a beautiful book at one of the most atmospheric times of the year?



Speaking of atmospheric, I really, really regret reading these in springtime because everything about this series screams fall. Sure, there’s no man-eating pumpkins or crying chipmunk werewolves but still: absolute autumn perfection.



SO BEAUTIFUL. Circuses are some of my favorite things to read about in books, and this one has LEAVES*. But also super yummy descriptions of food and other things.

*I need help


Normally people say to read contemporaries in summer but I genuinely think this one reads best in fall IT SAYS PUMPKIN ON THE TRUCK LOOK*. I just…trust me on this.

*no I am not five what are you talking about

By the way, Harry Potter is on this list but as invisible as thestrals (unless you were at the battle of Hogwarts okay bye)

So those are my picks for the week! What are some of your favorite fall reads??? Do you Fall (haha…not) back upon a certain genre? Catch ya later, au revoir!

34 thoughts on “Tag Tuesday |Top 5 Cozy Fall Reads!

  1. THAT COVER FOR GREEN GABLES IS JUST PURE HEART EYES 😍😍😍 Also, this list is so great! I agree completely about The Night Circus, though I would read that at pretty much any time of the year since it is AWESOME. Also, loved your end comment about thestrals and Harry Potter. So clever 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read Anne of Green Gables when I was really young and barely remember anything about it, so I would love to read it again. It does seem like it would be a great fall read 😊 And doesn’t The Night Circus seem like something that would be so perfect to read around Halloween? Even the aesthetics of the cover look Halloween-themed!

    Great picks, Kaya! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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